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Does Technology Alone Solve IT Problems? Let’s Dive In!

Hey there tech aficionados! 🚀 Ever heard someone say, “Just throw some tech at it!” and wondered if that really works in the world of IT? Well, sit tight, because we’re about to debunk this notion.

Also read: The Definitive ITIL 4 Guide

Can Technology Alone Be Our Savior?

Short answer? Nope. With the growth in technological solutions, there’s a parallel increase in complexity. And guess what? More complexity means more potential points of failure.

So, What’s the Real Solution?

Ensuring a robust testing process is key. It’s not just about having the latest software or hardware. Instead:

  • Define and document your process in a policy.
  • Always evaluate within a testing and approval environment.
  • Have it overseen by properly trained individuals. Expertise matters!

Root Causes of Service Failures – Some Food for Thought from Gartner (1999)


Process Failure: 40%

  • Missing alerts and events.
  • Delays in incident detection.
  • Change management hiccups.

Operator Error: 40%

  • Simple forgetfulness.
  • Absence of proper procedures.
  • Backup blunders.

Tech Errors: 20%

  • Hardware or OS failures.
  • Network and infrastructure issues.
  • Power outages.

The Need for IT Process Management!

A whopping 80% of failures stem from people and process problems, not just tech issues. Mind-blowing, right?

Some Insights from Microsoft’s Client Data:

  • 48% wrong configurations.
  • 33% installation issues.
  • 67% changes post-installation.
  • 22% poor and inappropriate operations.
  • 6% known bugs.
  • 3% new bugs.
  • 21% a mix of everything above.


While the allure of technology as a magic fix is strong, the reality is more nuanced. A holistic approach that combines tech with robust processes and skilled personnel is the winning recipe. So, the next time someone suggests just upgrading your tech to solve an IT issue, give them some of this food for thought!



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